Need a Publisher?

We believe in self-publishing. Unless you’ve signed with a huge publisher whose very size means an extensive promotional reach, we believe you can do better on your own, provided you spend the time and money necessary to create a clean book that is well-developed and compelling. However, there are times when authors, for various reasons, don’t feel able to publish their own books. Perhaps illness prevents them from the time needed to learn the publishing ropes. Perhaps they only want to focus on writing. Or maybe they feel they need validity, someone to say that they believe your book is worth investing money in.

We understand these needs. For authors who feel this way, we recommend submitting manuscripts to our sister company White Star Press. White Star Press has published authors such as Teyla Branton, Anita Stansfield, and Rachel Ann Nunes. Their contract is one of the best available for authors, and as the company is run by authors, they understand what’s important, especially rights and royalties. They only accept books they love and they pay all associated costs. We often provide editing and design for White Star Press, so if your book is accepted by them, we may be working with you!

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