We create eBooks that are visually appealing as well as functional, and make them compatible with every ebook platform.
eBook Design
We are experts in eBook design. Our eBooks are visually appealing as well as functional. We do both epub and mobi formats. Not only do our eBooks work for Kindle and Nook, but they are also accepted by iTunes and Google Books, which both require an extra html cleaning process that we do with all our eBooks. We run all our projects through rigorous checks, so you won’t have a problem, but if you do, just contact us and we’ll help you get it up.
This information is here for complete transparency, but don’t worry—our services builder will do all of the heavy lifting for you.
We charge $100 for a typical fiction eBook conversion under 100,000 words and $150 for a nonfiction project. You’ll get both mobi and epub files and will see the eBook once for design revisions before final approval. Our service includes the following:
- Table of contents with up to thirty links
- Two images (title page and author picture)
- Three links to websites, books, or author page at eBook store
- Large first letter or small caps for up to twenty-five chapters
- A “clean” epub (can be generic for all epub eBook stores or targeted for a specific retailer)
- A mobi file (for Kindle)
Additional epubs made with links for specific eBook retailers are $20 each. Chapter headings or scene break images are $2.00 each. (We can use larger text for chapter headings and asterisks for scene breaks for no additional charge.) Extra links are also $2.00 each. Any other graphic elements (must be in jpeg), tables, bullets or similar cost $5 each.
All images must be provided by you, unless we did your typesetting, and then we will provide the title page and also the chapter heading pictures and scene breaks (if you want them—cost per image still applies). If you do not have a title page and would like us to create a cool one for you, we can do that for you as well! If you need to make minor changes in your epub later, such as fixing typos or changing links, the cost is $50, depending on the amount of revisions. If we did your editing and eBook files and you find a typo, we will provide new eBook files free of charge. There is a minimum charge of $100 per fiction eBook and $150 per nonfiction because even if your book is shorter, there is a certain amount of work per eBook that simply doesn’t change.
Authors should send us their eBook manuscripts with all the text they would like included in a single file: title page (if not using a jpeg), copyright page, table of contents, other books by author, dedication and/or acknowledgements, foreword and/or preface (if any), chapters (main document), a statement announcing end of book and beginning of a teaser chapter (optional), the teaser chapter of next book (optional), statement saying “End of Sample Chapter” with link where readers can learn/buy book, and author bio. Jpegs, including title page with publisher logo and author picture, should be sent separately, each in their own file. If you do not have copyright text or text before and after your sample chapter, we can create it for you for $5 each addition (so $15 for all three). Please include your publisher name.

Publishing a print copy of your book is just as easy as publishing it in electronic format, and we can do both.
Print/interior Design
We are very picky about our interior design and want our books to be perfect, which is why we use InDesign to typeset all our print books for a professional look. We will work closely with you during the design phase and allow several reviews before the final PDF is sent to you. Typeset books generally use the same font for your title page as was used on your cover. (So if we didn’t design your cover, you will need to provide the font or choose from our large selection.) We will also recommend several fonts for the body of your book, or tell us what you have in mind!
This information is here for complete transparency, but don’t worry—our services builder will do all of the heavy lifting for you.
The cost of typesetting varies by the number of words and type of book. For fiction, we charge $0.0035 per word and an author picture and publisher logo are included free of charge. For nonfiction, the cost is $0.0045 per word. There is an extra charge of $5.00 for each additional graphic element or table (or incorrectly formatted bullet lists). So a typical 65,000 word fiction book might run two hundred pages and cost $227.50. With ten scene breaks using jpegs, you would add $50 for those graphic elements. We also have a variety of symbols to use for scene breaks or chapter headings to avoid graphic charges. We are happy to provide these for you.
# of words x .0035 + # of graphic elements = fiction typesetting cost
# of words x .0045 + # of graphic elements + # of tables = nonfiction typesetting cost
We have a minimum charge of $100 for all projects. Authors should send us their manuscripts with all the text they would like included in a single file: copyright page, other books by author, dedication and/or acknowledgements, table of contents (nonfiction, if any), foreword and/or preface (if any), chapters (main document), teaser chapter of next book (optional), and author bio. Jpegs, including publisher logo, should be sent separately, each in their own file, with appropriate location noted in book. If you do not have a copyright text, we can create it for you for $5. Please include your publisher name.

We’ll work closely with you to design an incredible cover that you’ll love or you can choose from our ready-made covers.
Cover Design
We would love to help you with cover design. We’ll send you a questionnaire about your book that will help us make you happy with an incredible cover. If you have a picture or design in mind, please let us know.
This information is here for complete transparency, but don’t worry—our services builder will do all of the heavy lifting for you.
Cover design for an eBook cover begins at $100 plus the cost of any stock photography used. This will be using a single picture and then text. A back and spine for print is an extra $65. Custom covers with additional elements begin at $300. All covers includes five mockups with slight differences and then once these are approved, two more revisions before we send you the final PDF. Click here to see some of the covers we’ve created for other authors. Coming soon we will have readymade covers for you to choose from. Additional revisions are billed at $30 an hour.

We are experts at getting your book cleaned up for publication. No more bad reviews about poorly edited books!
While there is some crossover between types of editing, each has a very different goal. Click here for a short article on the subject and what we specifically focus on in each edit. The pricing information is here for complete transparency, but don’t worry—our services builder will do all of the heavy lifting for you.
Our developmental editing, recommended for first time or newer authors who would like help with their overall plot and story. This is done by editors who are also experienced published authors and costs .0078 per word (about $1.90-$2.50 per page, depending how much text you have on each page).
Our line (or substantive) editing is done by editors who have experience with dozens of books and is recommended for authors who are secure with their plot but would like to fine-tune their manuscripts. Editors literally look at every line to make sure it makes sense within the whole. Cost is .0078 (about $1.90-$2.50 per page, depending on how much you have on each page). See our editing article for more information on what we do for line editing.
Proofing (copy editing) is recommended for authors who have been through family, friends, and critique groups (or line editing) and have their stories nearly ready for publishing. The base rate is .0047 (about $1.15-$1.50 per page). Or you can get two different proofers to go through your manuscript for .0078 (about $1.90-$2.50 per page).
Because the time spent on manuscripts varies widely between authors with different levels of experience, we will look at submitted projects for line editing and proofing and edit ten random pages before finalizing our agreement. For most authors, the rate will be the base rate, but for newer authors there may be up to $1.00 per page extra charge if the manuscript needs more work (you will need to approve the extra charge before the edit begins). Keep in mind that line editors will catch a lot of proofing errors, but should not take the place of final proofing—and proofing will generally not point out content or line-editing issues but will focus on missing words, grammar, commas, etc. You decide how clean you want your manuscript!
All edits, corrections, and suggestions will be emailed to you in Word (doc or docx, depending on your preference). Editing guarantee: if we do your eBook and editing and you find a typo that we missed, we will provide new eBook files free of charge.

If you already have typeset files and need some corrections done, we’ve got you covered.
Edits to existing files

We can design the perfect website for you, whether you want something simple or something really fancy.
Website Design
Why EpubMasters?
Your Control
At EpubMasters, you are the boss and you have the control. You own 100% of the royalties and 100% of your material.

Save Time & Money
EpubMasters has extremely competitive pricing. You’ll spend less money and you’ll save a ton of time from everything we do for you. Time that you can use to write your next bestseller.
We are masters. With 18 years of experience in publishing and the latest cutting edge technology, we are the bomb.

No Tricks
We don’t have any hidden fees or fine print here. Everything is 100% transparent!